Stop sending students to the principal's office.
That's what they want.
Every behavior has a function, or a purpose, and that purpose isn't always clear. If you're not careful, you may be inadvertantly rewarding negative behavior.
Sending students out of the classroom when their goal is to escape work is a perfect example, and it's only one of many.
Behavioral Connections, a long running Behavior Analysis clinic with a history of tremendous success, is now offering professional development seminars for teachers, instructors, and tutors. The methods needed to modify class room behavior shouldn't be a secret and we want to equip teachers with all the tools they need for a great career.
We built this seminar by listening to teachers. After countless interviews and observations, we heard your frustrations and we designed around that. From Motivating Students to building Instructional Control, we've got you covered.

Lessons Customized to Your Needs as Teacher
We built our program by listening to the needs to the teachers, but every teacher has their own class room troubles. Tell us ahead of time what frustrations you experience, and we can make sure to cover those topics during the seminar.
The seminar runs for four days (9:30 am to 12:30 pm) with an optional 5th, covering the topics of:
• A Brief History of ABA • Precision Teaching • Detecting Functions of Negative Classroom Behaviors • Structuring the Environment for Success • Topics Suggested by the Teachers
• Q&A

Interactive & Immersive Lessons
We've scoured all the research available and turned it into easily a digestable and interesting seminar. Catch up on a century of research in just 5 days. From the famous works of Watson and Skinner, up to today's leading intellectuals, such as Michael and Carbone, you'll get it all.
We teach through practice. Lessons involve participation, role playing, questions, and exercises. Not recommended for those of you who are afraid to get your hands (figuratively) dirty!

Clinical Observation.
Talking is one thing, but we're ready to put our money where our mouth is. During your seminar, you will have the opportunity to see the principles of behavior modification in practice as you shadow one of our experienced therapists.

Who works on an empty stomach? We'll provide a scumptious array of food to match your palette!
One Day Personalized
Work Shop
Our One Day Work Shop is a 6 hour, personalized experience where you will work one on one with an experienced instructor. Unlike the group work shop, you'll have a private tutor, allowing for greater depth of learning. This is also the most flexible option; you choose the date that works best for you!
Morning Session (8:30 am to 12 pm)
• Basics of Behavior
• Q&A
Lunch (12 pm to 12:30 pm)
Afternoon Session (12:30 pm to 3 pm)
• Observation
• Hands On Experience
Available Monday through Friday, year round!
One Day Group
Work Shop
Our One Day Group Work Shop is a 6 hour, session-based experience where you will learn and participate in teaching exercises with your colleagues. Dramatically bolster your skill as a teacher in just one day!
Morning Session (8:30 am to 12 pm)
• Basics of Behavior
• Q&A
Lunch (12 pm to 12:30 pm)
Afternoon Session (12:30 pm to 3 pm)
• Observation
Dates available by appointment.
Four Day Work Shop
Our four day work shop is meant for teachers committed to making sure all their students thrive. Join us for a four-day seminar with an optional fifth day, for advanced learning and practice of Applied Behavior Analysis. You and your colleagues will leave empowered with new confidence and prowess to bring to your own classroom.
Day 1
• "History of ABA"
• Lunch
• Group Observations
Day 2
• "Precision Teaching"
• Lunch
• Break out exercises
Day 3
• "Functions of Negative Behavior"
• Lunch
• 1:1 Teaching
Day 4
• "Motivation"
• Lunch
• Break out exercises
Day 5
• "Structuring the Environment"
• Lunch
• Q&A
Sold Out! Check back next year!